Just Because

I came back around the scene because I was bored. I came back around the scene because a fellow blogger beat and whipped me! Whipped because of inactivity. Whipped because of having progress and not noting it! So, I've decided to post just because a blogger told me to!

I wouldn't say that I have been making progress exactly. I just haven't been digressing into a worsened state. I have been out with two more girls but it hasn't been anywhere. On to the next one! Right? I think so... There's one out there for me so I'll find her! Maybe...

I was entertaining a chick wit a dick. Does that count as a female? She looks fine as brown gravy and could pass for a female too! I mean, she fooled me! After the date, she told me there was something important I should know. I had her in my car and she just grabbed my hand. She held it for a minute. Silence. She moved it and placed it on her dick and I was done! It was all over. I took a trannie out on a date and liked it!

This was a "just because moment!

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